Results 1 - 12 of 65
CAI Law Seminar 2022- Session Recordings (Document Handouts + Audio/Video Recordings)
CAI Law Seminar 2023- Session Recordings (Document Handouts + Audio/Video Recordings)
CAI Law Seminar 2024- Session Recordings (Document Handouts + Audio/Video Recordings)
M-204: Community Governance - Online Course and Exam
M-350: Manager and the Law - Online Course and Exam
The 2018 CAI Law Seminar - Session Recordings (Document Handouts + Audio/Video Recordings)
The CAI Federal and State Legislative Update (2019)
Webinar- A Defense Counsel's Perspective: Defending Claims Against Associations, Boards & Managers
Webinar- A Pain in the Bleep: How an Age-restricted Community Overcame the Damaging Effects Caused By a Recalcitrant Member
Webinar- Advanced Issues in Bankruptcy
Webinar- Aging Communities: Liability Associated with Aging Residents in Community Associations
Webinar- Aging Residents: New Challenges and Opportunities for Community Associations
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